deep space 47

In deep space discovered a round, mysterious objects

In deep space discovered a round, mysterious objects

Four mysterious object found in the depths of space, not like what the famous astronomers Astronomers are regularly discovering new objects. While in the past, humanity knew nothing about what was happening on the far expanse, the...


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What is black planet and do they exist?

What is black planet and do they exist?

Exoplanets are planets orbiting other stars. Recent studies have shown that black planets (hot Jupiters) exist. The black planet in the observable Universe was discovered space telescope NASA Spitzer. Incandescent ball of gas or &...


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The first card of the observable Universe in x-rays

The first card of the observable Universe in x-rays

Before you routine the Universe: acceleration and disintegration of matter is heated to extremely high temperatures, burning gas, black holes and the explosions of stars. the Nature of the mysterious dark energy responsible for th...


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A mysterious stranger Omului may be a cosmic iceberg

A mysterious stranger Omului may be a cosmic iceberg

looks like Omului – the mysterious visitor from other star systems. Since in 2017 opened the asteroid Omwamwi first interstellar object discovered in the Solar system, it is the cause of endless controversy among astronomers. The ...


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In our galaxy there may exist more than 30 intelligent civilizations

In our galaxy there may exist more than 30 intelligent civilizations

British astrophysicists have calculated that in our galaxy at least 30 intelligent civilizations When almost 500 years ago, Nicolaus Copernicus, and after Giordano Bruno was subjected to judgment about our place in the Universe is...


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Life on Earth – a common phenomenon in the Universe?

Life on Earth – a common phenomenon in the Universe?

the Origin of life on Earth was possible. But does this mean that other planets also have intelligent life? During the existence of mankind – and according to various estimates it has between a 2.4 to 2.8 million years – we never ...


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How does the ion engine, where it is used

How does the ion engine, where it is used

This engine can accelerate to very high speeds. Scientists have already invented or are preparing to come up with many new types of engines for space ships. Wildest assumptions even talking about the warp engine to accelerate the ...


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Why is the night sky dark?

Why is the night sky dark?

If you ponder the question of why the night sky is dark, it may seem that all this does not make sense. While anyone who has ever looked into the night sky, there was no doubt that it is very dark. on our planet largely transparen...


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Where on Mars can people live?

Where on Mars can people live?

Let us for a moment imagine that scientists were able to send people to Mars. But what will they do there? Mars – not the most friendly planet for life. There at least there is no oxygen, not to mention cosmic radiation, which on ...


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Scientists are killing the stars in a computer simulation. But why?

Scientists are killing the stars in a computer simulation. But why?

to unravel the mysteries of black holes, a team of Australian astrophysicists simulates a virtual star — and then repeatedly killing them. But about all under the order: 12 April 2019 Observatory LIGO and VIRGO have detected gravi...


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NASA transferred the photo into the music and it's very cool

NASA transferred the photo into the music and it's very cool

Our universe is a place so amazing that sometimes reality are things that many couldn't even think. Remember Giordano Bruno? At the time, he was the only person who dared to suggest that our world is much more than just Land and ....


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No longer do the laws of physics to work on the edge of the Universe?

No longer do the laws of physics to work on the edge of the Universe?

what do you think the laws of physics in the Universe work the same way and was it always thus? The results of a new study suggest that in the first age of the Universe the value of one of the most important fundamental constants ...


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Discovered the most harmonious planetary system. But what does that mean?

Discovered the most harmonious planetary system. But what does that mean?

For seven years the astronomers of the Haute Provence with the spectrograph SOFIA watched the star HD 158259, which is at a distance of 88 light years from our planet. Over the years of observations, scientists were able to get mo...


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View saw the Hubble telescope on the day of your birth

View saw the Hubble telescope on the day of your birth

it is always interesting to learn what was happening in the world day, the day of our birth. So, someone born in one day with a famous musician, someone with a scientist or a dictator, and someone else's birthday and completely co...


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Discovered an

Discovered an "invisible" star at a distance of 2,500 light-years from Earth

it Turned out some space objects can bend space-time around themselves. In space, an extremely hostile environment for humans, all the time something happens. Different celestial objects, including stars, galaxies, clouds of dust ...


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NASA presented a visualization of a black hole

NASA presented a visualization of a black hole

it looks like the black hole at the presentation of NASA Here came that day. Now we can enjoy the real visualization . So to speak, to get acquainted with the everyday life of these space monsters. The fact that NASA has released ...


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Scientists are going to shoot the first ever video of a black hole

Scientists are going to shoot the first ever video of a black hole

the image center of the elliptical galaxy M87 In April 2019, the world saw for the first time . The incredible size of the space monster — a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Messier 87 (M87) — marked a new era o...


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Inside the meteorite was discovered unknown in nature, the mineral

Inside the meteorite was discovered unknown in nature, the mineral

it looks like the meteorite Wedderburn How much do you think falls on our planet in the year? According to experts, their number varies in the region of 5-6 tonnes per day, which is about 2 thousand tons per year. A lot, right? Ho...


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Scientists have found a giant black hole, but doubted it

Scientists have found a giant black hole, but doubted it

Be a supermassive black hole depicted in the film “” Some of the most mysterious objects in black holes, regularly attract attention. We know that they collide, merge or change the brightness, and even evaporate. And yet, in theor...


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Asteroids can change its color

Asteroids can change its color

Some of the detected person asteroids have unique properties About 900 different sizes and shapes revolves at present around our Sun. Each of these stones is unique in its own way, but, nevertheless, the mankind is extremely lucky...


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